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  • 发布时间:2022-05-07

摘 要 :为研 究采 用神 经 网络 的方 法识 别 无粘 结预 应 力混凝 土 梁桥 的 自振 频 率 ,收 集 以往 PC
梁的动 力试验 数据 ,并在 此基 础上 补 充制 作 5根 PC 梁进行 动 力试 验 ,采 集 相 关数 据 。构 建 径 向基
(RBF)神 经 网络 ,采 用 泛 化 回 归神 经 网络 (GRNN)进 行 函 数 逼 近 ,径 向 基 函数 的 光 滑 因 子 取 为
0.15。 筛选 9个影 响 PC 梁 自振 频 率 的 关键 参 数 作 为神 经 网络 的输入 参 数 ,用 收 集到 的 试验 数 据
对 神 经 网络进 行训 练 ,并预 留 出 1根 PC 梁的试 验数 据 对 网络进 行 仿 真 。仿 真 结 果表 明 ,采 用 所研
究的神 经 网络 方 法识 别无 粘 结预 应 力混凝 土 梁桥 的 自振 频 率 是 可行 的 ,这 种 网络 具 有 很 好 的预 测
能 力 和 泛 化 能 力 。
关 键 词 :预 应 力混凝 土 梁 ;神 经 网络 ;自振 频 率 ;动 力试 验 ;识别 ;仿 真
中图 分类 号 :U448.35 文献 标 志码 :A
Identifying of Natural Vibration Frequencies of Unbonded
PC Beam Bridges by RBF Neural Network
LI Rui—ge ,YAN G Guo—li 。ZHANG Yao—ting
(1. School of Architectural Engineering,Taizhou Institute,Taizhou 318000。
China;2. School of Civil Engineering and M echanics,H uazhong
University of Science and Technology,W uhan 430074,China)
Abstract:To study the identifying of natural vibration frequencies of unbonded prestressed
concrete (PC)beam bridges by the artificial neural network m ethod,the previous dynamic test
data of PC beam s were collected and in addition to the collected data,another five beams were
m ade and the dynamic tests for the beam s were carried out to supplement m ore relevant data.The
radial~based function (RBF)neural network was built,the generalization regression neural net—
work (GRNN )was used to approach the RBF. The smooth factor of the RBF was taken as 0.15
and nine contro】param eters that had influence on the natura J vibration frequencies of the PC
beams were sifted as the input param eters of the neural network. The colleted data were then
used to train the network,the test data of a PC beam were put aside and were used to sim ulate
the network. The results of the sim ulation show that the identifying of the natural vibration fre—
quencies of the unbonded PC beam bridges by the neural network m ethod studied herew ith is fea—
sible and the netw ork has very good prediction and generalization ability.
Key words:prestessed concrete beam ;neural network;natural vibration frequency;dynam ic
test;ldentifymg;sim ulation



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