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Work Method of Cable Trench Excavation

编 制:Compiled by:  

审 核:Reviewed by:

October 21, 2009

目   录
一.  概况 Overview    3
1.1   工程概况 Project Overview    3
1.2   施工范围 Scope of Work    3
二.编制依据 Compilation Basis    4
三. 施工工艺流程Construction Process:    4
四.  前期准备Preparations    4
4.1   技术准备technical preparation    4
4.2  材料准备Material preparation    5
4.3  主要机具准备Main equipments preparation    5
4.4  作业环境准备operating environment preparations    5
五.  电缆沟施工Cable Trench Construction    5
5.1   电缆沟测量、定位cable trench measurement and positioning    5
5.2   电缆沟开挖Cable Trench Excavation    6
六. 质量控制Quality Control    7
6.1  电缆沟外形尺寸允许偏差表Allowable deviated external dimensions of cable trench table    7
6.2  应注意的质量问题Quality issues    8
七. 成品保护Finished Protection    8
八. 施工记录Construction of Record    8
九. 安全生产、文明施工要求和措施Safety and Civilized Construction Requests and Measures    9
附厂区电缆沟图: Attached: cable trench drawing    9

一.  概况 Overview
1.1   工程概况 Project Overview
本工程涉及三个变电站,分别是现有的220/35kV A472变电站、现有的35/10kV B301S变电站以及新建的35/10kV C581变电站,工作内容为三个变电站之间和从三个变电站接至MV用户的电力电缆、控制电缆、接地电缆敷设所需电缆沟的开挖工程。The project involves three substations, namely the existing 220/35kV A472 substation, the existing 35/10kV B301S the 35/10kV C581 substation and a new substation. This is the power, control and grounding cable trench excavation project among three substations and for MV users connected to the three substations.
1.2   施工范围 Scope of Work
1) 由A472变电站引出3路35kV出线。其中:
一路引至B301S建筑(35/10kV变电站)原1#主变,原1#主变电缆将抽出,与新增4#主变连接;另两路引至35/10kV C581变电站1#主变和2#主变。回路采用FS-YJY-26/35kV-1*300mm2单芯电缆,直埋敷设。去C581的两路35kV线路,敷设时沿不同路径,以避免两回线路同时受损。Pull three 35V outgoings from A472 substation. Of which:
The first outgoing is led to B301S Building (35/10kV substation) the original one # main transformer, pull the original one # main transformer cable out, and connect to the adding 4 # main transformer; the other two outgoings are led to 35/10kV C581 # 1 and substation 2 # main transformer. Use FS-YJY-26/35kV-1 * 300mm2 single-core cables for Loop and buried pulling. Two 35kV lines to C581 are laid along different paths to avoid damage of the two loops.
2)  由B301S变电站引出7路10kV出线。全部引至B399中心制冷站。回路采用10kV截面为95mm2的三芯铠装电缆,由B301S南面现有的电缆井引出直埋至装置。Pull 7 10kV outgoings from B301S substation to B399central refrigeration station. Loop uses 10kV three-core armored cable with cross-section 95mm2 and pull out from the existing cable well in the south of B301S then buried lay to the device.
3)  由C581引出10路10kV线路,分别为A507的四台变压器,B551的两台变压器,B553TDA装置氢气压缩机2台,C521盐酸装置氯气压缩机1台,盐酸压缩机1台提供电源。其中,变压器回路采用10kV截面为185mm2的三芯铠装电缆,马达回路采用10kV截面为95mm2的三芯铠装电缆。以上电缆线路均沿规划路径埋地敷设。10 10kV lines led from C581 are used to supply power to A507's four transformers, B551 two transformers, B553TDA 2 sets of hydrogen compressor unit, C521 hydrochloric acid chlorine gas compressor unit, and hydrochloric acid compressor unit respectively. Among them, transformer circuit uses x 3-core armored cable with 10kV cross-section 185mm2, motor circuit uses three-core armored cable with 10kV cross-section 95mm2. All cable lines will be laid underground along the planning path.
4)  接地电缆回路:Ground cable loop:
从A472敷设一根95mm2裸铜线去C581,同时从C581敷设四根95mm2裸铜线,分别引至B551、A507、B553和C521,作等电位联结。以上电缆线路均沿规划路径埋地敷设。Lay a 95mm2 bare copper wire to C581 from A472. Meanwhile lay four bare copper wires to B551, A507, B553 and C521 for equipotential bonding. All cable lines will be laid underground along the planning path.
5)本工程电缆沟走向如下:The cable trench directions are as follows:
电缆沟南线为A472至C581,全长约850米,根据K-K断面图:开挖深度为1米,沟槽底宽0.6米,沟槽面宽约1.1米。  Cable trench south line is from A472 to C581 about 850 meters long. According to KK sectional drawing, excavation depth is of 1 meter with trench bottom width 0.6 m and face width1.1 m.
电缆沟北线为A472至C581和B301,其中共线约220米,根据A-A断面图有:开挖深度为1米,沟槽底宽1米,沟槽面宽约1.5米;Cable trench north line is from A472 to C581 and B301 and the collinear is about 220 meters. According to AA sectional drawing, excavation depth is 1 meter trench with trench bottom width 1 m and face width1.5 m.
至C581支线约430米,根据E-E断面图有:开挖深度为1米,沟槽底宽0.6米,沟槽面宽约1.1米;至B301支线约300米,根据B-B断面图有:开挖深度为1米,沟槽底宽0.6米,沟槽面宽约1.1米。The sub-line the C581 is about 430 meters. According to EE sectional drawing excavation depth is 1 meter trench with trench bottom width 1 m and face width1.1 m. The sub-line to B301the is about 300 meters. According to BB sectional drawing , excavation depth is 1 meter trench with trench bottom width 1 m and face width1.1 m.
二.编制依据 Compilation Basis
1)根据电气包(中压部分)招标文件及招标图纸编制而成。According to Electric package (MV) the tender and tender drawings.
2)在充分研究工程的客观情况和施工特点,结合我公司类似工程施工经验的基础上编制的。Based on full study on construction characteristics and objective situation and combined with similar construction experience.
3)在本方案编制过程中,严格执行国家现行建筑和安装工程施工及验收规范、规程、标准、设计规范。具体如下:In this compilation process, strictly implement current national construction and installation construction, acceptance norms, procedures, standards, and design specifications. As follows:
《电气装置安装工程电缆线路施工及验收规范  GB50168-2006 》"Electrical installation cable construction and acceptance standards GB50168-2006"
《电气装置安装工程接地装置施工及验收规范  GB50169-2006 》"Electrical installation earthing construction and acceptance standard GB50169-2006"
《建筑电气工程施工质量验收规范 GB50303—2002 》"Building Electrical Construction Quality Acceptance GB50303-2002"
三. 施工工艺流程:Construction Process:
preparation → cable trench measurements →excavation order→cutting contour line along the calcareousness →stratified excavation →finishing cable trench edge→clear up
四.  前期准备Preparations
4.1   技术准备technical preparation
1) 针对本工程特点编审详细的电缆沟施工作业指导书,及时组织图纸会审。Compile particular cable trench construction engineering guide book as per project characteristics and organize promptly drawings joint examination.
2)  根据上海市电力建设工程施工工艺实施细则结合本工程实际编写电缆沟施工工艺卡,并组织实施。Compile construction technique cards according to the Shanghai Municipal Electric Power Construction Engineering Construction Technology Implementation Details and organize its implementation.
3)  施工人员全面了解电缆敷设来路、终点及敷设路径。Construction workers have comprehensive understanding antecedents, destination, and laying path of laying cables.
4.2  材料准备Material preparation
根据材料计划采购所有的材料。所有材料规格型号及电压等级应符合设计要求,并有产品合格证。Purchase materials as per the plan. All materials specification models and the voltage level should meet the design requirements and have product certificates.
4.3  主要机具准备Main equipments preparation
尖、平头铁锹、手锤、手推车、梯子、铁镐、撬棍、钢尺、坡度尺、小线或20#铅丝等。Sharp, flat head shovel, hand hammers, wheelbarrows, ladders, picks, crowbars, steel ruler, slope-foot, small lead wire or 20 #lead wire and so on.
4.4  作业环境准备operating environment preparations
1)土方开挖前,应根据施工方案的要求,将施工区域内的地上、地下障碍物清除和处理完毕。Prior to earth excavation, clear up obstructions on the ground or underground as per construction plan.
2)建筑物或构筑物的位置或场地的定位控制线(桩)、标准水平桩及基槽的灰线尺寸,必须经过检验合格,并办完预检手续。The location building or structure and the calcareousness of site positioning control lines (piles),  standard level pile and the groove base size must be tested qualified, and finished pre-screening procedures.
3)场地要清理平整,做好排水坡度,在施工区域内,要挖临时性排水沟。Clean up the site and make drainage slope. Excavate temporary drains in the construction area.
4)夜间施工时,应合理安排工序,防止错挖或超挖。施工场地应根据需要安装照明设施,在危险地段应设置明显标志。Arrange night construction procedures properly to prevent wrong dig or super-dug. Install the lighting facilities as needed and set signs in a dangerous location.
5)开挖低于地下水位的基坑(槽)时,应根据工程地质资料,采取措施降低地下水位,一般要降至低于开挖底面的0.5m,然后再开挖。Excavate base pit (groove) below the groundwater level should low groundwater level based on engineering geological data to be lower than 0.5m of the underside, and then excavate.
五.  电缆沟施工Cable Trench Construction
5.1   电缆沟测量、定位cable trench measurement and positioning
1)根据出线电缆布局和电缆沟开挖现场地形条件确定出电缆沟具体走向。 Determine the specific direction of cable trench of outgoing according to layout and excavation terrain conditions.
2)  电缆沟线路测量包括定线测量、水准测量和直接丈量。The cable trench line measurements include alignment, leveling and direct measurement.
定线测量要测定线路的中心线和转角,并应测量沟槽与相邻的永久性建筑物的位置关系,必要时应在地面上设立标志。Alignment measurement needs to determine the centerline and corners, and measure grooves and adjacent permanent building location relations. If necessary, set up ground signs.
 Conduct leveling should set temporary standard points, whose elevation is cited by the control measure.
5.2   电缆沟开挖Cable Trench Excavation
1)  开挖路线确定后,需要由管理公司和业主确认,尽量避免开挖路线下有管线。如确有管线,则尽量选择管线较少区域开挖。The management company and the owner need to confirm excavation line. Try to avoid pipeline route digging and choose less pipeline area on excavating.
2)  开挖前要认真调查了解地上地下障碍物,以便开挖时采取妥善加固保护措施。根据建设方提供的现况地下管线图,进行现场调查探摸,在每个开挖路线上,每隔30m进行人工开挖试空井,明确整个断面有无其它管线,及其管线分布情况,采取有效措施加以保护。 Investigate obstructions above and below ground before excavation to take appropriate reinforcement measures. According to the underground pipeline drawings provided by the owner, make site investigations. At intervals of 30m on each route excavate wells manually to check whether the entire cross-section has other pipelines and its distribution to take effective protection measures.
3) 根据基础和土质、现场出土等条件要合理确定开挖顺序。Determine excavation order rationally according to the foundation, o



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